COMING OUT... meet me:-)

Have you ever wondered why I chose the name Snowflower Diaries? 

First of all I could not think of a better name.    I had participated on a business course for crafters last week where they spoke about the importance of choosing a good, possibly not too long, name.   I know that by any calculation mine does not fit the criteria and what is more, I LOVE misspelled words as I like all things that has a little 'mistake', a scar, a touch of difference.   My brand name is long, misspelled (snowflower instead of snowdrop, because this is how we call this flower in my language and I like it better), but fits me perfectly and I will not change it for all the treasures of the world.

I thought to show you a photo of me and you will understand....:-)  
Here is a true winter girl who loves white, big skirts, fun and who is very romantic, too:-)))

Gondolkoztál már azon, hogy a búbánatban sikerült a Snowflower Diaries nevet kitalálnom?:-)

Először is, semmi jobb nem jutott eszembe.  Múlt héten részt vettem egy kézművesek számára meghirdetett üzleti képzésen, ahol arról is szó esett, hogy milyen fontos a jó névválasztás, amely lehetőleg ne legyen kilométer hosszú.    Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy az enyém ilyen számítás szerint nem megfelelő, sőt még az 'elírásokat' is szeretem, ahogy minden dolgot, amelyen van valami 'hiba', sebhely, valami eltérés.   A nevem tehát hosszú is, el is írtam (snowflower szó szerepel snowdrop helyett, de nekem jobban tetszik a magyar nyelv szerinti hóvirágra hasonlító), de szerintem tökéletesen passzol hozzám és a világ minden kincséért sem szeretném megváltoztatni. 

Gondoltam, mutatok hát egy képet magamról és nem lesz több kérdésetek...:-)
Íme egy igazi téli lány, aki szereti a fehéret, a nagy szoknyákat, derűs és bizony nagyon romantikus is:-)))


  1. What a beautiful photo! I definitely see the "fun" part! Your smile says it all.

  2. Nagyon csini! ;-)
    Szerintem is job a snowflower, neha en is forditok hasonlokeppen... ;-)

  3. beautiful photo and I love the name

  4. You look really very beautiful in this picture! :-)

    Hugs, Cathi

  5. wow ... gorgeous photo of you ... and the name suits you :) love mouse xxxxxx

  6. Beautiful picture! You know what: I LOVE your brand name, it's full of poetry and so precious!

  7. Beautiful ! Do you think that you can show more photos from time to time ? That would be nice.
    I also like those blogs with a little photo at the side. Then I always have the feeling the author speaks to me. But I understand, if it is too much for you.

    Thank you for the photo. It was a nice idea.

    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland von Anja

    1. I plan to have a more personal blog in the future:-) it is a big step for me, because I was behind the curtain all in my life:-)

  8. beautiful photo!
    It is always good not to be in the box. I like your blog immensely!

  9. Beautiful photo, you look like a beautiful snow flower.

  10. Glad to meet you :) You are a beautiful as the ladies you designed!

    1. Correction : "You are as beautiful as the ladies you designed! "

      "s" is missing in above sentence!

  11. Nagyon jóóó ez a kép!!! Köszi!
    És tetszik a név is :o)

  12. You are stunning :) Really beautiful lady who creates beautiful charts!

  13. Very pretty.
    I love your name, it's unique.

  14. You are as beautiful as your designs.

  15. Maja, a beautiful picture, very shabby
    Kisses, darling!

  16. Nagyon jó kép Rólad, Maja! Szép vagy:)

  17. I love your name too and you're so gorgeous on this photo !! I love it !

  18. Lovely photo!!!!!
    Hugs from Belgium...

  19. Wow, you look gorgeous, Maja! by seeing at your photo I can imagine a pair of wings on your back... so you could be "The Snowflower fairy" ;)

  20. Such a lovely picture, and your designs are lovely, as well!!

  21. I love your business name. It suits your cross stitch pattern style perfectly.

    Great photo :)

  22. Wow, you look so gorgeous and so beautiful!

  23. yes you look gorgeous an enthousiast. I like very much the name snowflower diaries ! it is an original one.and gives to me a dreamy time

  24. You are a beautiful woman and I love the name Snowflower; makes me think of flowers peeking through on cold wintery days which would bring a smile to my face.

  25. Beautiful picture of you, I like the name Snowflower, to me the name sounds happy and fun, just like your designs and sometimes I mistaken it for Sunflower.

  26. szerintem a nev pont azert jo, mert ellentmond az altalanosan felallitott szabalyoknak, tokeletes :)

  27. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

  28. Hello, I have only recently joined your group, but every day is a real joy to spend some time there. To browse among all these embroideries, what a delight! So, THANK YOU to you and all the others embroiders (male or female).

    Your photo is magnificent and you are radiant!

    Have a lovely day, I am going back to my needle, I must hurry…

  29. Nice to meet you , lovely smile . Love your design. Hugs from Dominican Republic!

  30. Nice to meet you , lovely smile . Love your design. Hugs from Dominican Republic!

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