One post, one peak

How is your weekend? There is much excitement here, first of all I am getting my business notes and designing folder ready to meet Nina next week who dyes the wonderful threads for my patterns. I am to bribe her to dye linens for the The Snowflower Diaries:-) I will nominate some of my needleworks for the national cross stitching exhibiton and contest that opens July 27 in Budapest. My primitve, naiv style is not really "mainstream" here in Hungary, as gobelins and painting-look-alike works are the local celebs, but it is alright, no problem with that, believe me. I am more excited to meet many online stitching friends there! Flesh and blood stitchers, finally!:-) Other designers are much better with timings and had already launched the summer designs, I hope my summer flowers, birds and mermaids will arrive before the autumn leaves, too:-) A sneak peak for today: IN HUNGARIAN: Hogy telik a hétvégétek? ...