
Showing posts from October, 2013

Come to my garden:-)

Hello my dearest visitors, I took this day off from work as we have much to do:-)  I moved the boxes outside to work outdoor, the weather is amazing, I love this season of orange pumpkins and colorful leaves. I put this inspiring postcard on the top to determine the day.  It says in Hungarian: I will have a great day.  It is a hint for you also: I am very happy that one of Hungary's most talented  illustrator and graphic designer, Eszter Schall is coming to our shop!  The boxes contains bubble bags in different sizes:-) IN HUNGARIAN: Szabadságot vettem a mai napra, mert annyi a tennivaló!:-)  Kivittem a dobozokat, hogy a friss levegőn készüljek, csodás az idő, imádom ezt az évszakot a narancs tökökkel és a színes levelekkel. Az alábbi képeslapot kitűztem a dobozok tetejére, hogy a mai napom mottója legyen az üzenete: "Csodálatos napom lesz".   Ez egyúttal egy kis bepillantás is számotokra: örömmel tudatom veletek, hogy Magyarország egyik leg...

The time had come:-)

I am so excited to announce  we are launching our online shop this Sunday evening (November 3)! Link of photo In 2013 I have been living a dream come true.  This spring I  have realised if I am waiting for the "perfect time" to start, I will be waiting for the rest of my life.  It is never easy to start and leave the excuses behind, deal with critiques and different opinions, as I am still very sensitive in many ways.  I thought one day when I will grow crocodile skin  would be the day to step forward and start. LOL. My husband will run the shop, because I needed my down-to-earth man to deal with practical and financial matters.  He is the financial cancellor in our family.   I wish to focus only on designing and curatoring as we would like to blend all those things together we are passionate about.   Not only will we be selling  The Snowflower Diaries designs but we are chosing amazing handmade products of Hungarian artis...


* UPDATED with the chart  Oct 27th, 2013 I have finished stitching my tribute pattern to Cathey with Nina's Threads , I hope you like it. The final stitching has an unearthy touch to me, all those flowers and sparkles.   I did not know when I had designed it will be made for someone now stitching in Heaven, and that she will be gone with the wind, the whirling autumn leaves and butterflies in her favourite season. Rest in peace, Cathey. I have used Nina's Threads Ginger, Old Berry, Pigeon, Old Jeans, Calendula, Moss and Hunter and the following DMC threads: 310, 3781, 3078 and 976. The chart is free to download and share: Thanks for visiting!:-) IN HUNGARIAN: Elkészültem a Catheynek szánt mintám kihímzésével Nina fonalaival , remélem, tetszeni fog nektek.  Nem tudtam, amikor megálmodtam, hogy akinek készül, azóta már a mennyországban hímez, hogy elmegy a szelek szárnyán szálló őszi falevelekkel és pillangókkal a szívének...

WIP - Pumpkins for Cathey

I brought to you a WIP (Work in Progress) photo of my autumn design Pumpkins for Cathey based on my postcard.   It may change after I see the stitched item, but I show you how it is going:-) Cathey passed away October, 10th, 2013. This little design will be my tribute to her, a loving wife, mother of a small child, friend, stitcher and blogger. Rest in peace, dear. Egy munkaanyagot hoztam nektek, a Catheynek készült képeslapom alapján készülő mintámét.  Jó eséllyel még módosulni fog, amikor a kihímzett modellt meglátom, de azért megmutatom, hogy haladok:-) Cathey 2013. október 10-én meghalt. Ezzel a kis mintával állítok neki emléket, szerető feleség, egy kicsi fiú édesanyja, barátunk, hímző- és bloggertársunk volt. Nyugodj békében, drága.  I am very proud of myself that I had actually started to prepare for Christmas in October, I have made a couple ornaments and bought some small additons to my stash. Büszke vagyok magamra, hogy októberben tényleg ...