I cannot wait to start the summer holiday, I plan lots of creative activities. I fall in love very much with antiquing and redesigning our home with fresh colours. This weekend I am going to a photography workshop I have been waiting for ages, I am so excited!:-) I had also brought you a new release, that is called FRESH STRAWBERRIES and contanins more than 2,000 red crosses. The Snowflower Diaries: Fresh Strawberries (2014) available: via Etsy or email order 111 W x 153 H Threads: Nina's Threads Asbury, Espresso, Calendula, Valentine, Artichoke, Bark, Butter Squash, Vanilla and DMC B5200, 543, 967, 3753 HAPPY STITCHING, HUGS! ++++ IN HUNGARIAN: Alig várom a nyári szabadságomat, rengeteg kreatív tevékenységet tervezek ám! Teljesen belepistultam az antikolási technikákba, az otthonunkat is friss színekkel varázsolom újjá. Hétvégén fotós workshopon leszek, amelyre már ezer éve készülök, szóval csupa...