I would like to join Daffycat's thoughtful call today and join the chain of "Pumpkin For Cathey" posts in the stitching community. Cathey from Pumpkin Patch & Co . is celebrating her 7th blogoversary today. She is battling a terrible disease these days. She is also a mother of a little boy and that is why she is a real fighter. She has so much to live and so much to give. I hope this little drawing I have made for her can bring a smile to these very hard days. I am very proud of the stitching bloggers, too, as I could see, almost a hundred bloggers had joined and posted a picture of pumpkin to Cathey. If you would like to join the chain, please visit this post from Daffycat's blog for more details:-) P.S.: What do you think, shall I surprise her with a pattern based on this drawing and dedicated to her? :-) SShh, it is a secret idea:-) IN HUNGARIAN: A mai napon Daffycatnek a hímzőközösség...