
Showing posts from September, 2013


I would like to join Daffycat's thoughtful call today and join the chain of  "Pumpkin For Cathey" posts in the stitching community. Cathey from  Pumpkin Patch & Co .  is celebrating her 7th blogoversary today.  She is battling a terrible disease these days.  She is also a mother of a little boy and that is why she is a real fighter.  She has so much to live and so much to give.   I hope this little drawing I have made for her can bring a smile to these very hard days.  I am very proud of the stitching bloggers, too, as I could see, almost a hundred bloggers had joined and posted a picture of pumpkin to Cathey.   If you would like to join the chain, please visit this post from Daffycat's blog for more details:-) P.S.:  What do you think, shall I surprise her with a pattern based on this drawing and dedicated to her? :-) SShh, it is a secret idea:-) IN HUNGARIAN:  A mai napon Daffycatnek a hímzőközösség...


From this fall you will notice that many friends will accompany me on my way with The Snowflower Diaries.  I am very blessed I have all these ladies who came to help me the minute I told them: I need help. Nina was also so kind that despite she was officially "closed" she let me visit her and choose from her new arrivals of linens before they arrive to her shop.   I bought a lot, because I don't like it when I am very much into some stiching and cannot find the right linen in my stash.  Nothing is more comforting than boxes of gorgeous linens, right?:-)   I had also bought some ricracs, silk ribbons (these are made in heaven I tell you) and some floss.     Colours for fall patterns: IN HUNGARIAN: idén ősszel azt fogjátok látni a Snowflower Diariesnél, hogy barátok csatlakoznak hozzám az utamon.  Hálás vagyok ezeknek a hölgyeknek, akik abban a percben jöttek, ahogy kimondtam: segítségre van szükségem....


After some Bailey's I upload the free chart of my Autumn Is Here design for you.   I had finished a huge work an hour ago, hit the Send button, called my boss and now I can focus on The Snowflower Diaries, we are taking the next step on our road this month.  September will be a crazy, wonderful month, I am sure.  Put your seatbelts on, ladies:-)  IN HUNGARIAN:   Némi Bailey's után fel is töltöm nektek az Autumn Is Here (Megérkezett az ősz) című, szabadon letölthető mintámat.   Egy órája fejeztem be egy nagyobb lélegzetű munkát, benyomtam a Send gombot, felhívtam a főnökasszonyt és most már a Snowflower Diaries-re fókuszálhatok végre.  Ebben a hónapban megtesszük a következő lépést az úton.  Szeptember egy őrült, csodaszép hónap lesz, ebben biztos vagyok.  Öveket becsatolni, lányok!:-)


I would like to greet September with this little design of mine.   This little bird went hiding in my house and I had completely forgot about her existence till yesterday.   Remember how I had opened this blog?  I showed you a leaflet, sneak peaks of the first week's gifts when I published a free design each day.  It was the last time I saw this lady.   It seems she did not want her premier in March, smart girl. In Hungarian:   Ezzel a kis mintával szeretném a szeptembert köszönteni.   A kis madárkám elbújt a házunkban és én a tegnapi napig teljesen elfelejtkeztem arról is, hogy egyáltalán létezik.   Emlékeztek még, hogyan nyitottam meg a blogom? Mutattam egy plakátot, apró lesifotókkal a nyitóhét ajándékairól, amikor minden egyes nap új mintát hoztam nektek.   Ez volt az utolsó alkalom, hogy a kisasszonyt láttam.  Úgy tűnik, nem szeretett volna márciusi premiert magának, okos csaj.  A szabadon letölthető minta is érkezik hamaro...