
Showing posts from May, 2013


The pattern of the barefoot Summer Witch is now available, you are welcome to download it if you wish from here ! Before sending me to the Faculty of Tiny Ornaments and Small Designs, I tell you I am working on my first bigger sampler that I designed lately.  I hope I can publish it this autumn or winter.... we will see:-) Meanwhile I met a fellow stitcher, a very nice Hungarian lady from France, Judit and we visited the Sugarshop in Budapest with some of our children, look at these sweets and colours, mmmmm, we ate 'somlói galuska' and icecreams in blue cups, it was so much fun! IN HUNGARIAN: A csupaszlábű Nyári Boszi mintája immár elérhető, töltsétek le nyugodtan,  ha szeretnétek innen !  Mielőtt beiratnátok a Minidíszek és Kicsi Dizájnok Karára, elárulom, hogy már dolgozom az első nagyobb sampleremen, amelyet nemrégiben terveztem.  Remélhetőleg ősszel-télen publikálhatom is, majd elválik:-) Eközben találkoztam egy hímzőtárssal, ...

My Gift For Next Week

Dear Friends and Visitors, You deserve a new pattern, are you not?:-)  The blog is 2 months old and summer time is coming!  I have continued my 'witch series' and designed The Summer Witch with bare foot in lovely light blue dress. (Mr Snape is not watching, he is occupied with other more important things, so he won't curse me for the lack of proper witch dress.)     I will come with the free chart next week.  If you have any suggestion where to upload the pdf pattern, please tell me, I will leave, because it is not making things easy for those who does not have a facebook ID. Thank you!:-) Other parts of the series:  The Autumn Witch  here The Spring Witch:  here IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves Barátaim és Látógatóim! Megérdemeltek egy újabb mintát, igazam van? :-) A blog két hónapos lett és a nyár is a nyakunkon van!  Folytattam a 'boszis sorozatomat' és megterveztem a me...