To my dear Visitors, I wish you a happy and blessed Easter with this little card I had painted recently with watercolor art pencils. I wish I could send a copy with a handwritten message to each of you by post to all the countries you came, because you gave me so much support and love in the past three weeks since I have opened this blog. I am very thankful. I have a big announcement. From the very beginning the majority of my visitors are from France, the least I can express my gratitude toward you is that from now on, the upcoming designs of The Snowflower Diaries will be available in three languages: English, French and Hungarian. A nice lady will help me translating the patterns to French. Hugs with love, Maja IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves Látogatóim! Ezzel a kis képeslappal kívánok kellemes, áldott Húsvétot Nektek, melyet nemrégiben festettem akvarell ceruzák segítségével. Bárcsak mindegyikőtöknek küldhetnék belőle egyet postán, kézzel írot...